JGAURORA A5S 3D Printer Review

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This large 3D printer comes with a medium-sized price tag. For every dollar you spend on the JGAURORA A5S ( the S stands for special), you get your money’s worth a few times over. It’s a more stable model than its predecessor.

JGAURORA A5S 3D Printer Technical Specs

  • Printer Size: 480 mm x 536 mm x 543 mm
  • Build Size: 305 mm x 305 mm x 320 mm
  • Build Speed: 10-150 mm/sec
  • File Type: STL, .OBJ, .G-Code
  • Filament Diameter: 1.75 mm
  • Filament Type: PLA, PETG, ABS, WOOD, FLEXIBLE PLA etc
  • Nozzle: Single
  • Nozzle Diameter: .40 mm
  • Manual Leveling
  • Print Bed: Heated black diamond glass heated platform
  • Software: Cura, Simplify3D, Slic3r, JGcreat

Discovering the Design & Features of the JGAURORA A5S

The aluminum frame of the JGAURORA 3D printer gives the large machine a sleek design with the stability previous models didn’t have. All of the wirings is concealed and many of the 3D printed pieces have been swapped out for injection molded parts. This really adds a bit more bang to your buck.

Something noteworthy is that due to the huge print bed and large frame, it is a heavy piece of machinery. Even with its weight, there’s still an abundance of features that even beginning hobbyists can appreciate. Take a look:

  • The 2.8 HD Touch LCD Display offers color graphics with an easy-to-use menu that allows users to change the extruder heat, level individual axis and at its center, and a filament change option
  • The SD Card Slot is now in the front of the machine near the LCD
  • The glass surface extends to cover the entire print bed
  • Additional screws to the frame allow the machine to remain stable through the build process
  • There’s a newly developed 32-bit mainboard
  • It only takes about 10 minutes to heat up to 110 degrees

The JGAURORA A5S 3D printer takes a variety of filament types but appears to print PLA the best. It will take some fine-tuning of the settings to make sure you get the best quality prints whenever you switch to different build materials. Let’s break down the print quality of the 3D printer.

How Easy Is It to Print with the JGAURORA A5S 3D Printer?

Printing with the A5S isn’t complicated and comes with a recommended build speed of 80 mm/sec. Of course, that may change based on the filament and size of the print job. It doesn’t make much noise printing, but it will sound a loud alert when filament run out.

If there is ever a time when filament does run out or if you happen to lose power mid-print, there are a couple of awesome features built-in. The first is called Filament RUN-OUT Detection and the second is Power Failure Protection. Both are exactly what they sound like. In either event, the printer picks up right from where it left off without any problems. Not only will this save you time but it will also avoid situations where the extruder remains hot for long periods without any filament loaded. Basically an extruder clog waiting to happen.

There is some debate as to whether to leave the painter’s tape on the glass print bed. With the tape on, it seems like ABS filaments stick better without any use of glue sticks or hairspray, and when you remove the tape to print directly onto the glass, it doesn’t hold as well. You can decide for yourself whether you want to leave the tape that it came packed with on or if your needs should remove it.

Unboxing the JGAURORA A5S Behemoth

What you’ll notice right away is the immense amount of foam and shrink wrap that holds the printer in place during shipping. JGAURORA has taken a lot of time and consideration to make sure your printer arrives in one piece without any damages. They’ve also made sure that it’s easy to assemble right out of the box.

Here is what comes with the JGAURORA A5S:

  • Half of a PLA roll to get you started and test printing within an hour of putting it together.
  • Instruction manual and Warning Tips Sheet
  • The print bed is already assembled and comes in one long piece.
  • 1 Spool holder
  • 1 box of 3D printer tools
  • Power cord
  • Spare nozzle
  • Clips that secure the black diamond glass to the metal print bed
  • Allen wrenches
  • Warranty card
  • Belt
  • SD Card
  • SD Card USB Reader
  • Gantry

The package, while big, only contains a few parts. Simply follow the directions to attach the gantry to the print bed, plug the wires in, and you’re ready to print.

Is Customer Support for JGAURORA A5S 3D Printer Good?

Sure the lack of assembly may seem easy enough to push through, but what happens should you run into any problems?

The great news is that JGAURORA prides its customer service and support as one of the things pushing their company to the front of the 3D printing manufacturer race. With support from community forums and the official company’s website, you’ll find the answers you’re in search of in no time.

For instance, if you’re in need of some quick troubleshooting, you can find the most common FAQs listed on the site answering a variety of questions about which filament materials can be used or what to do if your printer is making funny noises after a build. There’s also extensive information listed about the warranty of the printer and the Returns & Repair process.


  • The motherboard, hotbed, and screen have 12-month warranties.
  • All other parts have 3 months.

Returns can be made to authorized dealers within 7 days. The company offers lifetime technical support for the product, but be aware that you’d be responsible for all costs to ship, diagnose, repair, and replace the product should you need to send it back and it’s out of warranty.

Overall the customer service is thorough and well-liked. They can be reached via email or phone.

The Good News and the Bad News

Everyone always likes the good news first, right? Here are a few of the pros and cons of the A5S.




  • Easy to assemble right out of the box with details to make the process as smooth as possible.
  • The large print bed allows for large projects to be printed in one shot.
  • There’s an assistance menu to help level the print bed per axis point and at the center.
  • There’s an alert, unable to be ignored when the printer runs low on filament in the middle of a job.
  • The ability to resume printing after filament replacement, power shut off, or SD jostling is great and undetectable for the most part.
  • The LCD Touch screen makes settings adjustments easy for beginners.


  • The release button to change the filament is in a narrow space that some may feel annoyed trying to get to.
  • ABS doesn’t stick as well as PLA and PETG, but try working with the tape left on the glass to see if it helps.
  • It will be difficult to upgrade the firmware on the machine due to certain limitations that prevent it from being mod-friendly.


If you’re a beginner in the 3D printing realm and you’re looking for a no muss, no fuss solution to get yourself started, the JGAURORA A5S is a fantastic option for you. While it isn’t the cheapest printer on the market, it’s median price makes it a turnkey solution allowing you to print a few minutes after assembly. If you’re beyond the novice stage, it’s still a great choice as it prints quality builds with a variety of filament types.

Last update on 2025-03-30 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Picture of Luke Spencer

Luke Spencer

Fascinated by science from an early age, Luke has always been drawn to learning and experiencing technology. From learning about light through his passion for photography, building out PCs and printing 3D models life couldn't be better. When he isn't writing about all things 3D printing related he enjoys cooking, hiking and spending time with loved ones.